Red Lion Precision,
LLC - #R13A Installation Instructions
Sub2000 Gen1
Replacement Flip-Up Front Sight
Instructions (Make sure gun is unloaded including magazine):
Required Tools : 5/32"
Allen Wrench, Flathead Screwdriver
1.If not already
done the factory front sight must be removed for install including the
Keltec sight bushing if using the
Muzzlecomp Adapter or Non-muzzlecomp Adapter for the Keltec sight bushing removed. If using the
Non-muzzlecomp Adapter for the Keltec sight bushing left on then only the
polymer portion of the factory front sight needs removed.
2.Slide adapter
onto the gun (non-muzzlecomp adapters go longer solid circumference end first)
and all the way against barrel step shoulder or in the case of the
non-muzzlecomp adapter that allows the Keltec
sight bushing to be left in place slide till it bottoms out on metal
bushing (lip in adapter ID).
3.Orient so that the longitude (parallel to the barrel)
milled slot is at 6 o'clock on the barrel. Place the sight body over the
adapter and orient linearly so that the back of the front sight is located at
the edge of the largest diameter of the Adapter as seen in pic below. (This
should place your sight in the right position linearly on the barrel for
folding and locking). Snug clamping screws till everything is snug but can
still be moved around.

4.To get your
sight lined up close so less drastic windage adjustments will be needed its
best to have a red dot sight mounted to line it up with and then tighten clamping
screws to 6 ft/lbs. Lining up with a laser bore sighter should work as well. If
not using these eyeballing should be fine, if off more than you want to compensate
with windage just reset.
To adjust the windage place the sight tool (included) in the
4 holes on the face of the windage knob or use dime on the opposite side in
windage screw head. Windage knob is marked for bullet impact adjustment
direction. Elevation is standard AR15 A2
sight post, place sight tool in
the 4 half moons of the sight post and depress the detent to turn the post.
Turn clockwise to raise bullet impact and counter clockwise to lower bullet
impact. Each windage click is .67"
@ 100 yards. Each elevation click is 1.72" @ 100 yards.